Mina Cohen

Exhibition Available for Showing

The artworks featured in this exhibit are available individually for exhibition or in any combination of works to suit exhibition needs and space constraints:

Each painting has a traveling crate built especially for it and can be shipped to its destination. Costs for the exhibition include cost of shipping (can be shared if more than one institution in a region is involved), cost of publicity, insurance, and cost for transportation and housing for the artist and Judith Meisel if desired.

Mina Cohen and Judith Meisel have both made presentations at exhibitions of "A Survivor's Story."

Partial List of Previous Institutions:

Abington Friends School, Philadelphia, Pa.
Chico State University, Chico, CA.
Fort Bragg Center for the Arts, Fort Bragg, CA.
Frameworks Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA.
Mendocino College, Ukiah, CA
Sidwell Friends School, Washington, D. C.
Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA.
Westmont College, Montecito, CA.
Women's Caucus for the Arts, Los Angeles, CA.

Current Calendar:

Partners Gallery, May 2001


Mina Cohen at P.O. Box 269, Mendocino, CA. 95460, (707)937-1319 or
(707)937-1034 (fax), or mcohen@mcn.org for dates and a cost estimate.


